Music Hall is a brand specialized in high-end audio, renowned for its carefully crafted and high-performing...
Gioulos Panayotis, the visionary mind behind Aktyna, once again sets new standards in acoustics.
Gioulos Panayotis, the visionary mind behind Aktyna, once again sets new standards in acoustics.
October 26-27, 2024. Professional day on Monday, October 28, 2024. Palais des Congrès de Paris - Porte Maillot.
Music Hall is a brand specialized in high-end audio, renowned for its carefully crafted and high-performing turntables. Founded in 1985 by Roy Hall, a passionate music and hi-fi enthusiast, the brand stands out for its international approach and commitment to sound quality.
Transrotor vs Pro-Ject: Two Different Approaches to Vinyl – A Clear Conclusion
Optimize your vinyl turntable's sound reproduction with the Aktyna Diaphane decoupling base.
Film lovers like to own their favorite movies. Streaming has done little to change that so far. With the new HD-120, Block offers Blu-ray collectors a versatile player that, in addition to its cinematic qualities, also promises to impress in terms of sound. We tested this specialist in physical media in a hands-on review.
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