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Hana SL

HANA EL cartridge

Hana umami blue

cartridge hana ml

Hana umami red

Hana SH

Hana HL

Hana MH

Hana cartridges are moving coil (MC) type, which means that they use a coil of wire to convert the vibrations of the stylus into an electrical signal. This type of cartridge is generally considered to be superior to moving magnet (MM) cartridges in terms of sound quality, but they can also be more expensive and require a special type of phono preamplifier.
Hana offers a variety of different MC cartridges, each with its own unique sonic signature. The most popular models include the SL, SH, and ML. The SL is a low-output cartridge that is known for its neutral sound and high detail retrieval. The SH is a high-output cartridge that is a good match for phono preamps that are not designed for low-output cartridges. The ML is a mid-output cartridge that offers a good balance of neutrality and detail.
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