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Hana SL

Hana SH

These mid-range cells are not at all low-end or "off the shelf". They are reasonably priced and offer surprising musicality and refinement, with an absolutely unbeatable price/performance ratio.
If you are an audiophile or music lover looking for a musical and dynamic sounding cartridge with impeccable precision and groove tracking, the Hana S series cartridges are perfect for you.
The International Press and Vinyl Aficionados consider this cell to be a "Killer Sub $1000 cartridge", which makes it without a doubt the best choice to upgrade even the most expensive turntable.
The HANA SL moving coil phono cell is made in Japan and uses ALNICO magnets and an integral Nude Shibata diamond positioned at the end of an aluminium cantilever.
The coils are made of 99.99% pure copper and the moulded ABS shell is dyed a deep black colour.
Finally, the connectors on the back of the cell are plated with 24k gold to ensure exceptional transfer quality and durability.
The HANA SH, the big sister of the HANA SL, is the "high-end" version of the S series, which makes it even more impressive than its little sister.
In order to offer an output impedance of 47 kOhms and to be compatible with MM phono preamplifiers, the manufacturer uses an over-winding technique, which makes this cell even more powerful.
We strongly recommend that you use a high-quality phono preamplifier to fully enjoy the power of this high-end cell.
In addition, the HANA SL MONO phono cell is a mono version of the HANA SL with the same outstanding features.
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