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cartridge hana ml

With an internal design and high quality materials, this series has turned the tables. No more ABS plastic! Diamond cutting as close to the chisel as possible creates a quality pressing die, while cryogenic processing ensures a very wide frequency response range...
The number of awards the HANA ML has won is testament to its excellence.
Indeed, it is certainly the most awarded cartridge in the world in its price range, as well as the most recommended by various magazines, press websites and vinyl record lovers.
The soundstage is wide and perfectly layered, instruments and voices are naturally placed with superb texture. Although its price is certain, this phono cell rivals models costing more than 5 times its price.
The HANA ML will transform your listening experience, and push the limits of your turntable to a point you never imagined possible. What's more, it fits easily into the vast majority of tone arms, phono pre-amplifiers, or hifi systems.
Using an integral MicroLine diamond, the HANA M-Series guarantees a clear and detailed reproduction.
The high-purity copper voice coil offers incredible clarity, while the Delrin body has excellent damping properties, revealing a lot of information in the lower end of the spectrum and greatly expanding the dynamic range.
HANA's M series incorporates highly efficient metal screw threads into the Delrin cell body, making it extremely easy to attach to a cell holder, and quite obviously improving the bass and dynamics.
The HANA ML phono cell is a "low level" type cell, requiring the use of an MC compatible phono preamplifier. To get the most out of it, we advise you to set your preamplifier to a minimum of 100 ohms, with superb results at 200 ohms.
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