Headphone Meze Empyrean 2

Meze Empyrean II: A Symphony of Art, Innovation, and Craftsmanship
More clarity, more depth, more pleasure.
Empyrean II builds on the legacy of its predecessor to offer you an even more immersive audio experience.
The Legacy of a Masterpiece
The Empyrean II is much more than just an evolution of its predecessor. It is the result of a passionate collaboration between Meze and Rinaro, two companies that are pushing the boundaries of audio. Inspired by community feedback, the Empyrean II offers an even more refined sound experience and unparalleled comfort.
A design that is both lightweight, comfortable and elegant.
The Empyrean II headphones are designed for extended listening sessions. Their CNC machined aluminum frame and carbon fiber headband make them exceptionally light and robust. Memory foam ear pads and patented pressure distribution wings ensure optimal comfort, while the sleek, minimalist design makes them a true work of art.
Cutting-edge technologies for exceptional sound reproduction.
The Empyrean II headphones incorporate cutting-edge technologies for unparalleled sound reproduction. The Rinaro Isodynamic Hybrid Array Driver® delivers extended frequency response and minimal distortion. The open-back enclosure and Isomagnetic earcup coupling technology help create a wide and immersive soundstage.
Key features:
- Speaker type: Rinaro Isodynamic Hybrid Array Driver®
- Enclosure: Open-back
- Ear coupling: Circum-aural
- CNC aluminum frame
- Carbon fiber headband
- Patent-pending pressure distribution wings
- Isomagnetic earcup coupling technology
- Anthropomorphic earcup shape
For more information, visit the Meze Audio website: https://mezeaudio.com/
- Hybrid isodynamic driver
- High-resolution sound
- Comfort and ergonomics
- Elegant and modular design
- Fully repairable
Driver : Rinaro Isodynamic Hybrid Array®
Principe de fonctionnement : Casque ouvert
Ear Coupling : Circum Aural
Réponse en fréquence : 8 – 110,000 Hz
Impédance : 32 Ω
Sensitivity : 105 dB SPL @ 1 kHz, 1 V
SPL maximum : >130 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) : <0.05% @ 1 kHz, 1 V
Poids : 385 g (without earpads)
Forme géométrique : Ovoid
Taille : 102 mm x 73 mm
Poids du conducteur : 82 g
Boitier : Polymère renforcé de fibres de verre
Type de diaphragme : Rinaro Isoplanar® [MZ3]
Zone active : 4650 mm2
Poids du diaphragme : 0.16 g
Masse acoustique : Acoustic Mass – 10.7 kg/m4
Limite inférieure de fréquence : 8 Hz
Limite supérieure de fréquence : 110,000 Hz
Array Type : Isodynamic
Size : 75 mm x 49 mm
Magnetic Flux : 0.35 T
Meze Audio Empyrean II - Our Leap Forward in Sound
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